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Online Webinars Series 1-3, 2020

GFTE Webinars Series 1[FREE]

Dr. Munir Moosa, Volunteer Director launched series of free webinar during March- September 2020 to encourage participation in the communities of practices and benefit global teachers and researchers.These free
webinars has educated more than 300000 individuals, including females from marginalized communities
and persons with disabilities. 
The first webinar was conducted on 26-3-2020 by Dr. Munir Moosa on  'Basics of writing research paper'. Around 31 participants attended. 
You can download free presentation from
The second webinar was conducted by Dr. Sammy M. Mutisya on 'Action Research in Education'. Around 50 participants attended. 
You can download free presentation from here
The third webinar was conducted by Dr. Kaukab on 'Qualitative Research Methods- A Snapshot'. Around 60 participants attended. 
You can download her presentation from here
The forth webinar was conducted by Miss Sehrish Sachwani 'Yoga for Teachers and Researchers'. Around 40 participants attended. 
The fifth webinar was conducted by  Jennifer Hancock on 'Practicing Humanistic Leadership'. Around 60 participants attended. 
The sixth free webinar was conducted by  Dr. Zsuzsanna on 'Meditation for Well-Being'. Around 60 participants attended. 
The seventh free webinar was conducted by  Dr. Najmunissa on 'Research Ethics'. Around 60 participants attended. 
Global Learning Methodologies for Local
The eighth free webinar was conducted by  Dr. Neelu Ghosh on 'Teaching Skills in Online Learning'. Around 80 participants attended. 
Another free webinar was conducted by  Dr. Munir. Around 90 participants attended

GFTE Webinars Series 2, 2020 [FREE]


The first free webinar was conducted by Karen Wagnon. More than 17,000 participants viewed this webinar LIVE on Facebook


The second free webinar was conducted by David Kauffman. More than 12,000 participants viewed this webinar LIVE on Facebook


The third free webinar was conducted by Dr. Zsu. Around 13,000 participants viewed this webinar LIVE on Facebook


GFTE Webinars Series 3, 2020 [FREE]


Interested to attend? Want to know more? Please visit our Facebook Page

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